© www.photographyvos.com - Baudouin Roelants

Helleborus by Baudouin Roelants

Helleborus by Baudouin Roelants Allow me to present one of the many beautiful floral arrangements made by a friend of mine: the Belgian based floral artist Baudouin Roelants. For more of his work, feel free to visit his website. In the near future I’ll be showing you more of his work.

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CROPSYS website

CROPSYS website Today the CROPSYS website went online. CROPSYS is a part of VITO. The Cropsys team consists of professionals with expertise in monitoring, risk assessment, modeling, GIS analysis and software development.The Cropsys team belongs to the Water Management and Technologies group (WMT) which is part of the Environmental modelling unit within VITO. One of the core expertises…

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© www.photographyvos.com - L'Opéra Spring 2016

Fashion shoot L’Opéra

Fashion shoot L’Opéra Last week I had the opportunity to do a shoot for the women high fashion store L’Opéra in Aarschot. We showed the Spring 2016 collection with the lovely model Nele. For more info about the shop, you can visit www.lopera.eu or their facebookpage L’Opéra. Have a look at the results here.

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Mister Belgian Style 2016

Mister Belgian Style 2016 Recently I started a partnership with the local contest Mister Belgian Style. They scout the Belgian representative for the international contest Mister International and I was invited to join their final event on sunday February 28th in Tienen. As a part of my partnership with them, I offered a fashion shoot…

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